6 research outputs found

    mF2C: Towards a coordinated management of the IoT-fof-cloud continuum

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    Fog computing enables location dependent resource allocation and low latency services, while fostering novel market and business opportunities in the cloud sector. Aligned to this trend, we refer to Fog-tocloud (F2C) computing system as a new pool of resources, set into a layered and hierarchical model, intended to ease the entire fog and cloud resources management and coordination. The H2020 project mF2C aims at designing, developing and testing a first attempt for a real F2C architecture. This document outlines the architecture and main functionalities of the management framework designed in the mF2C project to coordinate the execution of services in the envisioned set of heterogeneous anddistributed resources.Postprint (author's final draft

    Development of a measuring unit for boat monitoring system

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    Magistrsko delo opisuje razvoj brezžične merilne enote za sistem za nadzor in sledenje plovilom. Poleg nje, je bil v sklopu te naloge razvit tudi brezžični vmesnik na strani obstoječe naprave za zajem podatkov, izmerjenih strani merilne enote. Brezžični del sistema predstavlja razširitev obstoječih funkcionalnosti in poenostavitev merjenja določenih veličin, saj omogoča montažo merilnih enot v neposredno bližino merjenca. Enote omogočajo tudi krmiljenje največ dveh zunanjih porabnikov (običajno relejev) preko za to namenjenih priključkov na vezju. Dodatno je na vezjih predviden tudi senzor temperature, vlažnosti in zračnega tlaka, ki bi lahko bil potencialno zanimiv za določen krog uporabnikov, s stališča možnosti meritev temperature v npr. motornem prostoru ali opozarjanjem pri temperaturah pod lediščem v zimskem času. Nekatere uporabnike pa morda zanimajo okoljske meritve zgolj kot dodatek k obstoječemu naboru senzorjev. Velik poudarek pri razvoju tako strojne kot programske opreme je bil na avtonomiji merilnih enot. Ena izmed zahtev je bila avtonomno delovanje vsaj leto dni. S pomočjo različnih ukrepov, opisanih v nadaljevanju smo ta cilj presegli, sodeč po izračunih je bila dosežena avtonomija okoli dveh let. Druga pomembnejša zahteva je bila možnost montaže različnega števila senzorskih elementov na vezje, v odvisnosti od potreb in povpraševanja s trga. Pri morebitnem večjem povpraševanju po merjenju temperature, bi proizvedli več vezij le s senzorjem okoljskih meritev, v nasprotnem pa bi se odločili za več drugih tipov enot. Na začetku naloge predstavimo nekaj splošnih značilnosti trenutnega sistema in razloge za razvoj brezžičnih merilnih enot. Sledi nekaj zahtev za omenjene enote, nato pa še poglavje, namenjeno teoretičnemu ozadju delovanja brezžične komunikacije. Temu sledita dve poglavji, namenjeni opisu razvoja strojne opreme ter integracije v obstoječo napravo in opisu razvoja programske kode za oba dela brezžičnega sistema. Ob zaključku so navedene tudi meritve lastne porabe merilnih enot in možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja v prihodnje.This thesis describes the development phases of a wireless part of an vessel monitoring and tracking system. Wireless part of the system is meant to be an extension to mentioned functionality, providing the necessary simplification of measured quantity, because it alows the wireless unit to be placed right next to the device in question. In addition to the electrical measurements, we also added an environmental sensor, which measures temperature, humidity and air pressure. These measurements could be useful to a certain amount of users, for instance to measure the temperature inside the engine compartment or to alert user of risk of freezing, especially in winter time. On the other hand, some users might just be interested in those measurements as an added value to the current set of measurements. We dedicated somewhat substantial portion of the hardware and firmware development cycle to wireless mesurement units\u27 autonomy. The main objective was for the autonomy to last at least one year. By various improvements and careful selection of electronic elements, we made a wireless unit with roughly two years worth of authonomy. Second important aspect during development phase, was the possibility of mounting only certain sensors to the board. Based on demands from the market, we would produce more units with, for example, only environmental measurements, instead of sensors with all elements mounted on the board. Development is divided into several segments. At the beginning there are some basic explanatons about the current system and reasons for wireless node development. Next, we present the requirements for wireless units, followed by a section, in which we described some theoretical background behind the wireless protocol we used. The middle two sections are used to describe the phases of hardware and firmware development cycles of both sides of wireless part of the system. Lastly, there are some current consumption measurements of the wireless units and a few possibilities for future development

    mF2C Project : Project presentation

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    Presentació del projecte mF2C i 3 exemples d'àmbits d'implementació

    mF2C Project : Industrial impact

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    Descripció dels interessos i beneficis esperats per part dels participants en el projecte mF2C

    mF2C: Towards a coordinated management of the IoT-fof-cloud continuum

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    Fog computing enables location dependent resource allocation and low latency services, while fostering novel market and business opportunities in the cloud sector. Aligned to this trend, we refer to Fog-tocloud (F2C) computing system as a new pool of resources, set into a layered and hierarchical model, intended to ease the entire fog and cloud resources management and coordination. The H2020 project mF2C aims at designing, developing and testing a first attempt for a real F2C architecture. This document outlines the architecture and main functionalities of the management framework designed in the mF2C project to coordinate the execution of services in the envisioned set of heterogeneous anddistributed resources

    Engineering Tobacco for Plant Natural Product Production

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    Plants are a rich source of drugs and other useful molecules. However, the vast majority of plant natural products remain unexploited because of the challenges of accessing source species, purifying low abundance molecules from plant extracts, and intractability to chemical synthesis. The wealth of plant genome sequence data is greatly accelerating the discovery of candidate genes for plant specialized metabolism. The bottleneck now lies in translating predicted gene sequences into chemistry. Microorganisms are the traditional hosts of choice for development of commercial-scale metabolic engineering platforms by industry. However, plants, in particular relatives of tobacco, hold considerable potential as heterologous hosts for engineering production of high-value metabolites derived from other plant species and have a number of advantages over microbes. Here we review progress in this area and consider the application of heterologous plant expression for metabolic engineering of one of the largest classes of plant natural products, the terpenes